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HKICON Conservation Awards 2022

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Eligibility Rules and Conditions

The Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists (HKICON) Conservation Awards are now open for submissions of entries. The award recognizes exemplary efforts by local professionals to conserve built heritage and to promote excellence in the field of heritage conservation in Hong Kong. 



1.  The applicant must be a registered HKICON Associate Member, Professional Member, Corporate Members or Fellow. Every submission entry is required to satisfy the nomination requirements, as stipulated in Section B by seeking the endorsement from three HKICON Professional Members and/or Fellows who are not affiliated with the submitted project.

2.  Entries may be submitted by the registered owner, registered tenant, or conservation consultant, architect or designer, any of whom would have had to be involved in the process, preferably throughout the entire project duration.

3.  One or more entries may be submitted by each HKICON Associate Member, Professional Member, Corporate Members or Fellow.

4.  Each entry submitted shall be made strictly under only one of the three listed categories: (1) Restoration; (2) Adaptive Reuse; (3) Interpretation. (Please refer to Section C of the Application Form.) The same project can apply for multiple entries under separate submissions.

5.  The submitted project must be officially completed (by published or documented proof of the date of the official opening or commissioning) within the period from 31 August 2020 to 30 August 2022.

6.  The submitted project must be located within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

7.  Entries that have been previously submitted will not be eligible for resubmission unless invited to do so by the jury, or unless substantial additional restoration has been carried out since the previous submission.

8.  Eligibility Rules and Conditions listed herein are final and non-disputable, and noncompliance of the conditions will lead to disqualification.

application guidelines and Conditions

9.  The Application Form (word format / pdf formatmust be completed in full and in English supplemented by Chinese.

10.  The Applicant shall send the softcopy of this completed Application Form (together with Section G) addressed to the HKICON President by email at, a link can be provided for download if needed. Text must be in Word/PDF format and images/architectural drawings/maps must be in TIFF/JPEG/PNG format.

11.  The 2022 Awards scheme is open for submissions on 19 September 2022 and all submissions must be received on or before 5pm on 16 December 2022.

12. Hard copy of the submission and physical models are not required for judging purpose and shall not be submitted.

13.  The applicant may be asked to arrange for members of the Jury Panel and relevant HKICON members to visit the project building or site upon being shortlisted for the final round of assessment. The project visit shall be guided by the Applicant and include a short presentation, followed by a Q&A session. These project visits will not have a significant impact on the assessment outcome, which is based on the strength of the submission entry material.

14.  Winners shall be required to produce 2 nos. A0-size mounted panels for exhibition purpose, details of which will be announced upon confirmation of the winner(s).

15. The applicant shall bear the cost for producing the submission and, if nominated as a winner, the production of the exhibition panels.

16. All materials submitted will remain the intellectual property of HKICON. Materials submitted should clearly state the name of the material’s copyright owner(s) and the manner in which they wish to be credited. The copyright to the materials shall remain vested with the respective copyright owner(s) and will be acknowledged accordingly.

17. HKICON reserves the right, without payment of fees or royalties, to use materials submitted to promote the HKICON Conservation Awards or other related academic/educational purposes. The applicant shall grant HKICON a non-exclusive royalty free licence to use any of material(s) submitted for any of the aforementioned purposes.

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Project Categories

A Restoration project is one that involves repair and/or reinstatement to return a heritage building (interior and/or exterior) or site to its original or early architectural form and appearance for the same use pertaining to that period.

Adaptive Reuse

An Adaptive Reuse project is one that adapts a heritage building (interior and/or exterior) or site to accommodate a new use and may include new addition(s), alteration or restoration or any combination of these.



An Interpretation project is one that interprets the heritage value of a heritage building (interior and/or exterior) or site for the general public, such as a permanent or temporary exhibition, an interpretation centre or museum located within a heritage site or building, or by electronic means.

supporting organisations

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