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The awards recognise architectural conservationists for achieving excellence in conservation projects in Hong Kong.

Details of the previous HKICON CONSERVATION AWARDS winners.

Details of the HKICON CONSERVATION AWARDS 2022 Winner.

Photo gallery of 2021 HKICON AWARDS EXHIBITION 

About the award


Launched in 2018, the Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists (HKICON) Conservation Awards are awards dedicated to the recognition of professionals in the field of architectural conservation. The awards recognise architectural conservationists for achieving excellence in conservation projects in Hong Kong.

AWARD Categories



A restoration project is one that involves repair and maintenance to return a heritage building (interior and/or exterior) or site back to its original architectural splendor for the same use for which it was originally designed.  

Projects in Hong Kong and overseas completed by HKICON fellows, professional members, associate members, and corporate members are eligible.


Adaptive Reuse

An adaptive reuse project is one that involves a new use of a heritage building (interior and/or exterior) or site, and may include new addition, modification, and restoration to render a heritage building or site suitable for a new functional purpose that is different from its original use. 

Projects in Hong Kong and overseas completed by HKICON fellows, professional members, associate members, and corporate members are eligible.



An interpretation project is one that involves means of interpreting the heritage information of a heritage building (interior and/or exterior) or site for the general public, such as in the form of a permanent or  temporary exhibition, an interpretation centre, or a small museum attached to a heritage site or building, or other electronic means. 


Projects in Hong Kong completed by HKICON members and non-members are eligible.



3 January 2025, 12:00pm

Nomination closed. results are expected in late march 2025.
Jury Panel

​​​Restoration & Adaptive Reuse Jury Panel

LAM Sair Ling | Chair

Mr Lam is the first local architect specialist in the field of conservation of historic buildings in Hong Kong. Sent by the Architectural Services Department, he read for a master’s degree in conservation in the University of York, UK in 1987-1988. Since return, he has participated in conservation projects including Tai Fu Tai, Kun Ting Study Hall, King Law Ka Shuk, Kowloon Walled City Park, Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, St. Joseph Chapel at Yim Tin Tsai, etc. He has taught as a part-time lecturer and adjunct associate professor in the Architectural Conservation Programme at the University of Hong Kong. He is currently the Director of the Pokfulam Farm, a Batch IV RHBTP project, and the Salt and Light Conservation Centre for Yim Tin Tsai.

Sam HO

Sam Ho is a seasoned project manager and lecturer based in Hong Kong with a strong background in architectural conservation. He holds a Master’s Degree in Architectural Conservation from the University of Hong Kong and has over two decades of experience working on various heritage projects. He also contributes to the field as a lecturer for conservation-related topics at the Construction Industry Council. His expertise spans a wide range of conservation activities, including adaptive reuse, restoration, and repair and maintenance of historic buildings. Sam is currently the Vice President of Hong Kong Historic Building Conservation Association.

Tony LAM

A practicing architect and founding director of AGC Design Ltd, Tony Lam is also a conservation architect working on various heritage conservation projects such as State Theatre, CLP Headquarters, Central Market, etc. Being a former member of Antiquities Advisory Board and former chairman of the Heritage & Conservation Committee of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Tony is familiar with the heritage conservation issues and active in the field of architectural conservation in Hong Kong. He is the author of the book Heritage Conservation and Local Culture.

Carmen TSUI

An architect and urban historian, Carmen Tsui is an Associate Professor in the Department of History at Lingnan University. She earned her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, specialising in the history of architecture and urbanism. Her article on the history and planning of Mei Foo Sun Chuen received the IBP Best Article on Global Hong Kong Studies (Humanities Category) award in 2023. She is also the author of Everyday Architecture in Context: Public Markets in Hong Kong (1842–1981). She is also a member of Docomomo Hong Kong and serves on the advisory committee of the Heritage Interpretation Center at the University of Chicago’s Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong.

Rosman WAI

Rosman Wai is a practising architect, authorized person, and an architectural conservationist. Being one of the founders of the Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists (HKICON), she is currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong. She has worked in the Housing Department for many years. Her research interest is in architectural history and public housing design. Rosman has been a juror to many award competitions for architectural design including architectural conservation projects, as well as construction practices.

​​​Interpretation Jury Panel

Roger WU | Chair

An architect practising in the UK and Hong Kong with extensive experience in complex restoration projects, Roger Wu has put his knowledge, experience and interest in the regeneration of historic buildings, including Peter Jones, Kings Cross Station and the Royal Military Academy in London. In 2014-2022, Roger was the Executive Director, Project Development of Haw Par Music Foundation Limited overseeing the operations of Haw Par Music – a centre of cross-culture exchange based in the revitalised Haw Par Mansion. In 2023, he co-curated “The Full Gamut” and “Re: Full Gamut” exhibitions for Hong Kong Design Centre, and “Beyond Territories – Made . Make . Making” – Hong Kong Institute of Architects’ Urbanism and Architecture Exhibition for Excellence in 2022. He was also the Chief Curator of the 2019 Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Hong Kong) and co-curator of the 2015 edition of the Biennale. Roger is currently lecturing in Hong Kong University’s MSc in Conservation and HKU SPACE’s MA in Art and Cultural Enterprise.

Ryan SUN | Deputy

Ryan is a trained architectural conservationist with Master’s Degree in Architectural Conservation at the University of Hong Kong and previously Bachelor Degree in Architectural Preservation at Tongji University in Shanghai. He is currently an associate working at Purcell and has actively involved and led a variety of heritage conservation projects (from conservation planning to construction) in Hong Kong over the past 10 years. This includes the revitalisation of Jessville Manor, Cattle Depot Art Park, Tai Kwun, as well as other ongoing conservation projects where heritage interpretation becomes increasingly important. Ryan is currently a HKICON Council Member.

CHANG Hoi Wood

Born in Hong Kong and studied architecture, Hoi Wood Chang practised at EDGE Design Institute and oversaw the project "Suitcase House" (Beijing 2002). He was the artist-in-residence at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany, and curated and organised projects such as HKIA Exhibition in Los Angeles "Island_Peninsula", JCCAC Festival exhibition "Dimension of Living: A House is", “Hong Kong Interior Design Week”, “Geometry of the Sentiments”, etc. Hoi Wood is currently coordinating Place-making and Arts Tech projects funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.



​A designer, researcher and educator, Sjoerd Hoekstra is the co-founder of Design For Culture, a design consultancy specialising in cultural projects. He graduated from the Design Academy in The Netherlands, and holds a master’s degree in architectural conservation from the University of Hong Kong. He is an adjunct associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture, the University of Hong Kong and teaches exhibition design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Design. Sjoerd is a member of Docomomo, ICOMOS and HKICON. He is co-founder and curator of the Friends of the 30 Houses Neighborhood, a society concerned with the conservation of Central Hong Kong’s oldest remaining residential neighborhood.

Kiki KO

Born in Hong Kong, Kiki received her senior secondary and tertiary education in Australia. She started her career in international trade promotion for the Northern Territory Government, Australia, and in development for the University of Hong Kong and St. Stephen’s College. Her experience in built heritage conservation started in 2008 when she was involved in developing and promoting a heritage trail in Hong Kong. First joined Jao Tsung-I Academy in 2014, Kiki is currently the Chief Executive Officer. She is also one of the Convenors of Hong Kong Built Heritage Alliance, a member of the University of Chicago’s Advisory Committee for the Heritage Courtyard and Interpretation Centre, and a part-time lecturer at the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong teaching business management for cultural heritage. Her experiences also include public relations, institutional advancement, and NGO management.


Prior to her current role as Senior Curator at Tai Kwun, Kwok Ying was the curator at the Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art in Manchester, UK in 2006-2012, and an independent curator in 2013-2021. She is an international fellow in the Clore Leadership Programme 2018/19. Throughout her career, Ying has worked with a diverse range of art and cultural institutions locally and internationally, from artist’s initiatives to art festivals, public museums and the commercial section. Her past roles include Guest Curator for the 5th Audemars Piguet Art Commission: The moon is leaving us by Phoebe Hui, Festival Director for “Peer to Peer: UK/HK 2020”, Curator for “Contagious Cities: Far Away, Too Close” for Tai Kwun Contemporary and Wellcome Trust, Lead Curator for “LOOK International Photography Festival 2017”, and Curator at M+ for “Samson Young: Songs for Disaster Relief” as Hong Kong presentation at the 57th Venice Biennale.


Ms Wendy Ng and Mr Angus Chan have withdrawn from the Jury Panels to avoid conflict of interest with regard to some nominated projects. Mr Lam Sair Ling and Mr Roger Wu have taken up the chair of the Restoration and Adaptive Reuse Jury Panel and Interpretation Jury Panel respectively.


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