HKICON awards exhibition
2022年9月12日至16日 @ 中環街市1樓Inno Expo
12 -16 September 2022 @ 1/F Inno Expo, Central Market

Free Admission費用全免
Date: 12 - 16 September 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
NOTE: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on 15 September 2022 is not opened to the public
Venue: 1/F Inno Expo, Central Market, 93 Queen's Road Central
日期 : 2022年9月12日至16日
時間: 中午12時至晚上8時
地點: 中環皇后大道中93號 中環街市1樓Inno Expo
The Hong Kong Institute of Architectural Conservationists (HKICON) is organising the HKICON Conservation Awards Exhibition from 12 September to 16 September 2022, featuring the 2020 and 2021 award-winning projects. These include Former French Mission Building, Central Market, Island House, Haw Par Music, The Mills and Restoration of Duddell Street Steps and Gas Lamps. With our members’ generous support, the exhibition will also showcase original and new architectural elements from the winning projects and other conservation projects such as dragon-kiln made Chinese roof tiles from Haw Par Music and the golden glazed roof tiles from Tung Lin Kok Yuen.
What is architectural conservation? What does it mean as good practice in architectural conservation? What do architectural conservationists do to prolong the life and integrity of built heritage? Come to explore the history and share our works!
甚麼是建築文物保育? 何謂值得嘉許的建築文物保育? 建築文物保護工作者如何延續歷史建築的生命和特質? 一起來探索歷史和細味保育工作的點滴!

Bring home a coaster as a souvenir from the exhibition!
精美建築文物圖案杯墊, 等你帶回家!