Experience the multiculturalism of Hong Kong
For over a century, the territory of Hong Kong has been impacted by waves of immigration stemming from the second World War, the Chinese civil war, and other political and economic catalysts. Coming from places such as Shanghai and Fujian, a large number of these immigrants settled along the coast of Hong Kong Island’s northern district. Due to this settlement, the area of North Point carries the colloquial names “Little Shanghai” and “Little Fujian”. In recent years, a new immigrant group - Southeast Asians - have moved into the neighborhood, incentivised by lower rents and work opportunities caring for the district’s aging population.
Chun Yeung Street, a short one-block street in North Point, is the epicentre of immigrant life. It has witnessed many periods of immigration, and today reflects the multicultural history of the neighborhood. Typical Hong Kong market vendors are interspersed with Shanghainese shops, Fujianese restaurants, and more recently, Southeast Asian grocery marts.
Immigrants to the area have brought along their cultures and lifestyles, which have greatly influenced the development of this district. Two notable examples are the State Theatre and the [now-demolished] Luna Park, both of which exemplified strong ties to the 1950s Shanghai leisure and entertainment scene. During these earlier years, North Point was considered the heart of entertainment in Hong Kong. Today, remnants of such historical influences can still be seen in this dynamic neighborhood.
從過去百多年的歷史來看,香港其實是一個移民城市,因二戰期間及國內戰爭等因素,曾先後有大量上海和福建移民來到香港,大部分落戶在沿海的北角,因此北角又有「小上海」、「小福建」之稱,近年來因區內人口老化,加上舊區租金便宜,又多了不少東南亞人聚居。一條短短的春秧街,就能見證著這些移民的生活痕跡,至今仍有大量的上海與福建店林立其中,近年來也出現不少東南亞人開設的店鋪。這些移民人口帶著自己的文化與生活習慣,影響著這區的發展,例如 50 年代紅極一時的旋宮戲院、名園遊樂場、這些當年走得相當前的娛樂文化場所的出現,就是受到上海人的文化所影響,讓北角曾經成為香港娛樂的中心。